Obstructive Sleep Apnea: An Overview

Written by Manny Erlich. Posted in Health Effects of Snoring, Snoring 101


OSA is one of the most common causes of snoring, occurring when the muscles in the upper throat relax during sleep and block the flow of air into the lungs causing a person’s breathing to stop for a significant period of time, sometimes as long as 10 or more seconds.

The loud snoring sound that is so common in people who have OSA is caused when the air tries to pass through the blocked airway. People with obstructive sleep apnea repeatedly have their loud snoring interrupted with periods of silence during which there is no breathing. The period of silence is then followed by a snort and a gasp for air.

The Importance Of Sleep And How To Sleep Better

Written by Manny Erlich. Posted in Beyond Snoring, Snoring 101

Sleep is important for a person to maintain good health. And as essential as sleep is for a person’s well being millions of people do not get sufficient sleep. Further, most people do not get their sleep related issues diagnosed or treated.

How Much Sleep Do I Need?

The average healthy adult needs 8 hours of sleep per day. However, some people require as little as six hours of sleep per day and others require as many as ten hours of sleep per day to function at peak level.

Sleep Apnea & Sleep Disordered Breathing Cause More Than Hypoxemia

Written by Manny Erlich. Posted in Health Effects of Snoring, Snoring 101

A recent study in the Journal of the American Medical Association claims that aside from diabetes, high blood pressure, heart attacks and strokes, sleep apnea may be one of the causes of dementia.

This link of sleep apnea and dementia can be explained through hypoxemia, which is a drop of oxygen levels in the blood, often caused by the obstruction of breathing that is the main symptom of sleep apnea.

The Serious Effects Of Snoring

Written by Manny Erlich. Posted in Health Effects of Snoring, Snoring 101

Know this the next time you are awakened by your partner’s loud snoring: He or she could be suffering from a slew of serious physiological problems.

Loud snoring and sleep apnea (a condition where sufferers wake up several times an hour because they stop breathing) are among a group of sleep related breathing disorders (SRBDs) that increase the risks of high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, daytime sleepiness and, according to new research, depression.