Allergies And Snoring: Why Your Allergies May Be Disrupting Your Sleep

Written by Manny Erlich on August 16, 2012. Posted in Sleep Disorder News & Research, Snoring 101

People with sinus congestion due to allergies are known to snore frequently and loudly. Allergies (and snoring!) can be related to the time of year. Causes of seasonally related allergies are airborne particles (such as pollen) from grass, ragweed or outdoor mold. Year round allergies may be caused by indoor mold, pet dander and dust mites found in items such as carpeting or mattresses. If you experience chronic sinus congestion as well as nighttime snoring, you may have allergies.

Sleep Apnea and Allergies

Sinus congestion caused by allergies is called Allergic Rhinitis, and studies have shown that individuals with allergic rhinitis very often have sleep disorders. More particularly, very often they are diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea due to allergies. Any sinus congestion causing the upper airway to narrow or close results in both snoring and obstructive sleep apnea among people with allergic rhinitis. To read more about obstructive sleep apnea you can explore our Sleep Apnea section under Snoring 101.

Individuals suffering from obstructive sleep apnea and allergies may find themselves experiencing daytime fatigue, decreased concentration and productivity in school or work, moodiness and impaired memory. Allergic rhinitis can affect an individual’s quality of life.

How Can I Stop Snoring if I Have Allergies?

Reducing the inflammation in the nasal passages may eliminate the symptoms of allergies, snoring and obstructive sleep apnea. Taking a nasal steroid spray with an antihistamine may provide relief to the allergic rhinitis. Sometimes decongestants such as Sudafed will reduce the nasal swelling.

Children who snore should be tested for allergic rhinitis and obstructive sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea in children has been linked to aggressive behavior and ADHD. It has also been known to affect their school performance. Parents with children exhibiting symptoms of allergic rhinitis and sleep disorders may want to consult their pediatricians.

If you have allergic rhinitis (nasal congestion), snore, or think you could be experiencing obstructive sleep apnea, consult with your dentist or doctor. Finding the right treatment for your allergies can be life changing for both you and your bed partner.

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Manny Erlich

International Foundation of Employee Benefits - Certified Employee Benefits Specialist

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